Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest - Mark 6:31

Do Quiet days work?

I offer tailored Quiet Days. These can be for a morning or a whole day but always involve a balance between prayerful input and reflective space, usually they offer the opportunity for working with artistic materials, images and poetry. Recent ones included a focus on Pain, for Holy Week, or Ways of Praying and Darkness and Light, in Advent.

“Thank you for the Quiet Day on Monday.

It was refreshingly different to have the opportunity to spend time with God and enjoy the silence. I found the variety of prompts – poetry, pictures, artwork, and activities were very helpful in stimulating my thoughts and prayers. The flexibility to move between these different spaces gave me a chance to choose where to spend my time – finding out for myself which areas drew me close to God and which I found more challenging. I learned more about myself, and my relationship with God as a result.

The practical actions of lighting a candle, drawing, painting, and creating bottles of tears provided different ways to respond – again it was refreshing to see that prayer can take many forms and to experiment with these different approaches. I was interested to see how many people were comfortable with these forms of expression, and to hear about how they had used them to get close to God. This inspired me to have-a-go and experiment with new forms of prayerful expression.

Many visitors came into the church for the first time and were immediately struck by the quiet, calm, ‘beautiful’ atmosphere and many felt compelled to join in, sitting in silence or praying. It was a powerful witness, a chance for them to see the church in action and for us to welcome them in to experience the ‘living’ church.”

— Louise Pain Quiet Day

Another Quiet day was based on Chaos, Clouds and Confusion in our lives.

and looking at ourselves as The Collage of God (with thanks to Mark Oakley for his use of this phrase). I used this image from Mary Fleeson of the Lindisfarne Scriptorium as inspiration.